Vishwa Dharm Samvad

विश्व धर्म संवाद

Message From

Message For Interfaith Dialogue From Country

ms sana from Afghanistan

Ms. Sana


Vishwa Dharm Samvad 2022 Program – Miss Sana (Afghanistan) Be a witness and participate in a meaningful and historic initiative interfaith dialogue to create new dimensions of our religious culture “Vishwa Dharm Samvad” . 

Mr. Benjamin Tao

President Manipur Christian Baptist Association

This channel follows the rule of Swami Vivekanand and promotes his views that all religions are equal. The Vishwa Dharma Samvad program will be conducted under the guidance of the best religious leaders and revered saints of the country and the world. Representatives of all religions of the country and all sections of society (Hindu,Muslim, Jain, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, Bahai) will be part of this event with the fraternity.

Interfaith dialogue

Arch Bishop Anil Cuoto

Archbishop Of Delhi

All religion teaches that how we have to live as brothers and sisters to one another in bonds of love. The power of love that help us to build a human kind and to care for the environment that we are destroying. Every religion should try to live what the core of religion teaches us. 

Dr. Lokesh Muni

Founder at Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti

Vishwa Dharma Samvad teaches us to live together. All problems can be solved through conversations. We should learn to respect other’s thought as we respect own thoughts. 

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Bhai Sahib Satpal Singh

Ambassador Of Sikh Religion, U.S.A

Vishwa Dharm Samvad organizes an Inter Faith Dialogue in which many peoples takes part from different religion. Mutual brotherhood and religion have been talked about in every religion. Swami Vivekananda had given the message that in the service of man is the service of God. I wish all the best again to the entire team of Vishwa Dharma Samvad.